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Zealand x Represented

Campaign Objective

Zealand offers higher education programs throughout the Region of Zealand, including in Køge, Nykøbing Falster, Næstved, Roskilde, Slagelse, and Holbæk. Zealand is a vocational academy that focuses on creating practical and relevant knowledge to ensure the competitiveness of its students in the job market after completing their education.

Since 2022, Represented has been assisting Zealand with influencer marketing. We have been concentrating on how Zealand can increase awareness of their various educational programs and attract more young individuals aged 17-25 who are poised to continue their education. The campaign’s objective is to raise awareness about Zealand and highlight how the school differentiates itself from other educational institutions. One specific goal has been to increase the number of participants in their Open House events.

To reach the target audience authentically, we have engaged several micro and macro influencers within the target demographic. These influencers have created relatable and creative content through Instagram posts, storylines, and TikToks. The selected influencers have provided insights into the studies and educational institutions, highlighting the numerous benefits that the specific programs offer, including the social student life, classroom instruction, and a focus on internships.


Instagram Posts
Instagram Story-sequences
Instagram Reel
TikTok videoes
Avg. engagement rate, Instagram Posts
Avg. engagement rate, TikTok

Everything from planning to execution went exactly as it should, and we achieved great success with the campaign.

We are very pleased with our collaboration with Represented, which has already led to several successful campaigns. Most recently, a major campaign where we had two talented influencers visit our departments. Everything from planning to execution went exactly as it should, and we achieved great success with the campaign. It is a pleasure to collaborate with the team from Represented, who are always cheerful, skilled, and bring a wealth of creative solutions and ideas to us. That’s why we continue this excellent partnership.

Signe Handberg


@jasmindesilind Annonce @Zealand_academy | Jeg er (næsten) startet på studie!!😅 I hvert fald for en dag👩‍🏫 Du kan også blive studerende for en dag – tjek linket ud i min bio! #wearezealand ♬ original sound – jasmindesilind

@lauraarosbb annonce for @Zealand_academy / hvis i har interesse i at høre mere om zealands uddannelser, holder de som sagt åbent hus d. 11. maj fra 17-19 på alle sine afdelinger 💘 #wearezealand #uddannelse #uddannelsesvalg #videregåendeuddannelse ♬ original sound – laura aros bøgh borch

@williamdonner REKLAME for @Zealand_academy // Tilmeld dig “studerende for en dag” på zealand.dk #wearezealand ♬ Chill Vibes – Tollan Kim

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